Huge beer orgies
A useful synonym
December 1, 2006 1 comment
Doubtless there have been many nasty Unspeaky things said by politicians this week, but now and then one wants to emphasise the positive side of language use. So I found the following obituary of a California barman heartwarming:
Jack Macpherson earned a permanent niche in the history of Southern California beach culture, thanks to the loosely organized group of surfers and other beach-area denizens that he co-founded in the early 1960s — a crew whose logo was an abstract rendering of a mushroom cloud and whose name became synonymous with “huge beer orgies.”
If a name has to become synonymous with something, that’s not bad. I hope readers have many seasonal Jack Macphersons, or Mac Meda Destruction Companies, planned for the coming month.
I’m confused. Are these orgies in which only massive jars of beer can participate? What do they do? Clink handles suggestively?